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If you have a job that is, in any way, related to content, you must have heard people telling you left, right, and center to create videos. People are making them, social media platforms are supporting them, marketers are pushing them, and users are consuming them. And it’s not only about videos but also about the type of videos too. The debate of short-form vs long-form video is the one that has kept people divided. Everyone has their own idea of what works better and what brings more engagement.

It is no secret that demand for video content has boomed in the last few years. Hubspot says that the number of digital video viewers worldwide is more than 3.3 billion. More than 2.6 billion people watch videos on YouTube every month. Around 97.8% of internet users in the US aged 18 to 24 say they watch videos.

The love for video cuts across the generation divide.

As per Synthesia.io, Millennials and Gen Z watch more video content than Gen X and Baby Boomers. More than half of Boomers, 54%, watch videos online. Basically, people love videos, that’s why creators are creating them. Some people love short videos, while others have an attention span long enough to sit through a longer version.

While the debate of long-form vs short-form content is not expected to end anytime soon, creators should look to cash in on this video bonanza. The idea is to find the right content and length that sits with your audience.

Short-form vs long-form video content

Video content has clear advantages over other types of content because it combines images, movement, sound, and storytelling, making it more dynamic and engaging than static text or images.

A scientific angle to this advantage is that viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video compared to only 10% when reading text. This is because visual and audio content combined makes information easier to digest and remember.

This interest in video content is also fueled by the rise of smartphones. Now, the algorithms of platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok prioritize video content because it increases user engagement and keeps people on the platform longer. This intensive video consumption is also driven by decreasing attention spans. Content creators and brands are aware of this fact, and they are doubling down on videos to effectively convey their message.

Now the question is, what will work for you? Short-form video or long-form video. The answer to this is based on multiple factors. But first, let’s understand the two formats and what they are best for.

Short-form videos

These videos are typically under 60 seconds. They are produced particularly for social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, and Snapchat. Quick, attention-grabbing, often humorous, and trending, these videos focus on delivering a clear, concise message in a short span of time.


Why short-form videos work

There are multiple reasons why short-form content is so popular among users and why creators are more focused on producing it.

Immediate engagement: They have the power to quickly grab attention due to their short length. Users don’t have to wait long to get the crux of the message. These videos are ideal for delivering a single, focused idea or message without overwhelming the audience.

Viral potential: Short-form videos are more likely to go viral because they are easily shareable and fit seamlessly into social media consumption patterns. These videos often leverage trends, challenges, or memes, making the content relatable and relevant to a wider audience.

Low production cost: The shorter time frame means that short-form video production is easier and less costly. It also doesn’t require an elaborate set, making it more accessible for brands.

Long-form videos

The length of these videos is over two minutes, with many long-form videos stretching up to 10 minutes or more. Common examples of these types of videos are tutorials, documentaries, vlogs, or webinars. This form of content is ideal for YouTube, Facebook, and video streaming services. It can also be used on a brand’s website or for email marketing because its in-depth, detailed, and often educational or storytelling-based content can deliver a comprehensive message.


Why long-form videos work

In-depth exploration: These videos allow brands to explore topics more thoroughly, provide detailed explanations, or tell complete stories.

The element of engagement: While short-form videos capture fleeting attention, long-form videos engage viewers who are genuinely interested in learning more about the issue of the product at hand.

Expertise and authority: Long videos are ideal for thought leadership, education, and authority-building in an industry. This is because the viewers perceive long-form videos as more substantial and having information about relatively more serious topics.

Higher production value: Making long-form videos usually involves more planning, scripting, and editing, resulting in polished, professional content. That’s why long-form video production is more time-consuming and expensive.

Choosing between short-form and long-form videos

When deciding whether to create short-form or long-form videos, it’s essential to carefully consider your marketing goals, target audience, and the nature of your content.

Marketing goals

Short-form video marketing and long-form video marketing have different goals and can achieve distinct objectives. For example, short-form videos are ideal for goals like increasing brand awareness, driving engagement, and boosting virality. These videos capture attention quickly and are perfect for top-of-funnel activities. They are best if you want to create quick, digestible content to introduce your brand, tease new products, or participate in trends.

Long-form videos are best suited for building authority, educating your audience, nurturing leads, and fostering deeper connections. It works well for mid-to-bottom-funnel goals, like product explanations or thought leadership. They are ideal if you have to explain complex ideas, build trust, or provide value through in-depth content.

Audience preferences

Short-form videos are often preferred by younger audiences who have shorter attention spans and are more accustomed to consuming content in bite-sized pieces. Long-form videos may be more appealing to older audiences or professionals who are seeking more in-depth information and are willing to invest time in content.

If your target audience is primarily active on fast-paced, trend-driven platforms and enjoys quick entertainment or brief educational insights, short form videos are the ideal content for them.

Long-form videos are suitable for audiences seeking in-depth content or detailed information. If you are creating content about thought leadership, deeper learning, or product demonstrations that take time to explain, you can use this video format.


Choice of platform

The platform is a big consideration when choosing between long and short-form videos. It depends upon the platform on which your target audience is based, and that will tell you whether you should opt for shorter, bite-size, and crisp videos or go for the long-form explainers.

Short-form videos such as TikTok, Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, and Snapchat are optimized for quick viewing. These platforms promote fast engagement and sharing, and if your primary audience is highly active on short-form video platforms, you would want to cater to their needs by capitalizing on viral trends and producing shorter videos.

Long-form videos work on YouTube, LinkedIn, or Facebook, which support detailed and longer-viewing content. If your audience consumes content more thoroughly, you should use longer videos to provide deeper value through extended engagement.

Nature of your content

Short-form videos are perfect for showcasing products or providing quick tips in a concise and engaging manner. Long-form videos are better suited for providing detailed instructions, complex explanations, or in-depth product reviews. They can also be used to create immersive narratives or documentaries that offer a deeper dive into a particular topic.

The content frequency is also a big consideration when choosing between the two video formats. Short-form videos are easier to produce and distribute consistently, allowing for a higher content frequency to stay in front of your audience regularly.

Long-form videos need more resources (time, effort, production costs) but provide more value in one sitting. So, if you are planning to create less frequent but more substantial, higher-quality content that delivers greater insights or in-depth education, then long form video is a better option.

Content creation: Best practices

Irrespective of what video format you choose, there is a set template for each one of them to help you create content that has an element of virality to it and also boosts your engagement and achieves marketing goals.

Tips for creating engaging short-form videos

Short-form videos must hook viewers immediately. Start with a striking visual, an intriguing question, or a bold statement. The game is all about keeping the viewer hooked, so use dynamic visuals, fast cuts, or text overlays to engage them from the outset.

Focus on a single message

There’s not much room content-wise when it comes to short-form video content. After all, how many issues can you cover in 10 to 15 seconds? So, keep the content concise and focused on one core idea or message. Overloading viewers with too much information in a short video can dilute its impact. For example, use these videos to showcase one key product feature or highlight a single promotion.

Incorporate trends and challenges


Virality is one of the biggest deciding factors in the debate of short-form vs long-form videos. Short-form videos could be your ticket to go viral. So, participate in trends or create branded challenges to increase shareability and engagement, especially on platforms like TikTok and Instagram. Use calls to action (CTA) that prompt viewers to comment, like, share, or participate in the conversation. Interactive elements like polls or questions can also boost engagement.

Captions and mobile optimization

As many as 85% of viewers watch videos with their sound off. This makes subtitles extremely important. So, include text or captions to ensure your message is delivered regardless of audio. Also, nobody is watching Reels on a desktop; they are doing it on their smartphones. So, ensure that your videos are shot and edited vertically (9:16 ratio) for platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and Snapchat.

Tips for creating engaging long-form videos

Tell a story


Storytelling is key to holding the viewer’s attention in long-form video content. Whether it’s an educational tutorial, a brand story, or a case study, structure your video with a clear beginning, middle, and end. For example, start with a hook (e.g., problem introduction), provide a solution or demonstration, and end with a strong call-to-action.

Provide value and depth

Long-form videos should dive deeper into topics, offering value through education, entertainment, or detailed product explanations. Viewers should feel they’re gaining significant insights or information.

Break content into segments

Keeping the audience hooked to your video is important in long-form content as well. So, break down your videos into digestible parts. Use chapter markers, on-screen titles, or bullet points to make navigation easier for the audience. For example, you can segment a 20-minute tutorial into 4 chapters: introduction, feature explanation, use cases, and conclusion.


While the debate of short-form vs long-form video might never settle, there is no denying that both are important in today’s world with a never-ending demand for video content. They both differ in their characteristics and the different marketing goals they help achieve, but they can be mixed for optimum results. By combining both formats, marketers can target different stages of the customer journey, ensuring maximum engagement and results.

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