Without even a shadow of doubt, Instagram is one of the most important and most powerful marketing mediums of the present era. It is such a wonderful blend of content marketing, and communication service. It has all the potential and capacity to drive fabulous engagement, and above average return on investment for a brand.
The growth of Instagram users has been absolutely phenomenal, which the following chart illustrates. The number of monthly active Instagram users has been on an amazing inclined.
There are more than 4 billion likes per day on Instagram, and each image shared on this medium gets an average of 23% more engagement than its Facebook counterpart.
According to eMarketer, Instagram has brought in $6 billion in global mobile ad revenue in 2018.
Here are some of the most effective marketing hacks you can use on Instagram
The most effective time to post on Instagram is between 9pm to 8am. The prime reason for this is that fact that most users prefer to wait until they are done with their office. It is quite amazing how much difference it can make in the eventual outcome. This also plays a pivotal role in increasing brand visibility.
Emojis can lead to 47.7% more interactions on Instagram, as per Quintly. An authentic research indicated that when we see a smiling face online, the same parts of the brain are stimulated as when we look at a human face, hence they actually show a real effect on human beings.
More than 60% of Instagram accounts use emojis. It is a good idea to limit it to one to two emojis per post. In fact, you can even put some in your Instagram bio.
The best ads on Instagram are the ones that don’t particularly look like ads at all. You would never want to give an impression to people that you are trying to sell or trap them into buying something.
It is strongly recommended to avoid using stock photography at all costs. Instead it is the preferred option to create engaging lifestyle photography that broadcasts the functions and features of your offering in real situations. It has proven to be an influential tool in driving sales, as pictures help communicating the brand’s message better than dull and boring text.
Instagram photos are probably some of the most amazing and flattering images you can have. The best thing about Instagram is, when you upload your photos; you can share them on other mediums like Facebook or Twitter.
This cross channel sharing of visual content is a good innovative way of making quality inroads into your segment. Consequently, this sharing has done wonders in improving engagement levels, which in return has boosted the sales volume.
The Carousel enables you to upload up to 10 photos in one post. If you have a long list of pictures to post without adding them into separate posts, then this is the feature you want to use.
A carousel ad allows you to place multiple photos or videos within the same ads. These photos or videos can then easily be swiped through by users who encounter your ad in their feeds.
Reviews are a quite a precious piece of words in the current online digital hacks. Improper remarks can substantially hamper the image of your brand. Customers like to be responded, they perceive it as a matter of respect.
If you have left a comment, and later felt pang of regret, it’s never too late. You simply need to go to the offending comment, and click comment to access the comment screen again. Swipe the comment you made to the left, and then you will see the garbage appear, and then tap on the can, and select delete.
One efficient way of reaching out to your aimed audience on Instagram is by creating and launching scintillating and captivating ads that run within the Instagram stories section of the platform.
According to Instagram, over 400 million accounts are now using this feature quite actively. These stories represent a massive opportunity for business owners who are quite willing to invest time, energy, and money in a bid to create unique, entertaining stories that users can easily see and interact while viewing different stories from the people they follow.
Instagram remains one of the most relevant social channels for your business. This channel of social media is surprising people with its potential. Building an audience on a platform like Instagram demands strategic effort in depth. If you want to make 2019 the year Instagram pave the way the growth of your business, then the above mentioned marketing hacks can considerably help you.
Read moreDesigning an ecommerce website is not an easy task as it requires extensive planning, especially if you want the website to attract new customers’ day in and day out. Ideally, the best ecommerce website design makes the entire process of online buying stress-free, easy and quick.
According to Diceus website, no matter how good your advertising strategies are, they are of little use if you are losing customers due to a poorly optimized website design. To ensure you get more traffic with maximum conversions, here are 11 tips for cool website designs that will keep your customers coming back for more each time.
While designing your ecommerce website, keep things as simple as possible. Avoid integrating unnecessary elements that will hinder your target audience’s experience. Pop-ups and banner ads will not do you any good, as they only serve as a distraction and nothing more. The cleaner the design, the more sales you will get.
When it comes to shopping online, people rather stick to established brands. If your website is faceless, it will look like a scam. To drive sales, you will need to build trust, which is only possible if you spend time on branding. The best ecommerce website design incorporates the business’ brand identity and somehow reflects their culture.
To connect with your audience, you will need to think like them. Ultimately, there are just a few things your customers will want from their experience this includes a well-designed, easy to navigate site that makes shopping online hassle free and straightforward. If you want your site to succeed, you better give your customers exactly what they want.
Choosing the right colors for your website is not about selecting your favorite color and making do with it. Believe it or not, color is a powerful tool. If you understand the psychology behind it, you can drive some serious sales to your website.
Remember, different colors inspire different feelings. For instance, if you want people to go ahead with a purchase, use a powerful color like red. However, if you want to increase your credibility then you will need to use blue in your ecommerce website design. Each color palate has its own effect on the viewer, so carefully choose the aesthetic facet of your website.
it is a known fact that high quality images increase conversions. People will not buy from you if they do not know what the product looks like. For this reason, you will need to show them by providing high quality images. Take professional images from different angles, it will go a long way for your website and brand.
Crafting long descriptions will do you no favors, as people will not read it. Break up your content, whether it is a blog post, product description or an about us page. The idea here is to provide content that is easy to scan and read. Keep paragraphs and sentences short, and for key information use bolding. Bulleted lists can be used to break down blocks of texts as well.
People will not hand over their personal information to make purchases on your website if it does not look professional. You will need to invest considerably to make sure your website looks top notch.’ to ‘You will need to invest considerably and implement website redesign on time to make sure it looks top notch
There should be no misspellings or typos. The color palette, font and footer design needs to be consistent on every page. Each and every button and link needs to work. The point being, if you want to be taken seriously, you need to show your customers that you take them seriously too.
Another great way to build trust is by integrating social media platforms into your website design. There are plenty of ways you can show potential customers what others have to say about you. This can include ratings and testimonials section. The more people see others have had a great experience with you, the more likely they will purchase from your site.
Avoid clunky product pages, as they will kill sales faster. Instead of having ten different menus for everything, make sure you have easy to navigate product pages and categories. The easier you make pages and categories to navigate, the easier it will be for your customers to find exactly what they are looking for.
Your checkout process should be as simple as possible. If it is overly complicated, your customers will head to your competitors instead. The checkout page must be simple, easy to navigate and clean. Give your customers the choice to purchase as a member or a guest. The process needs to be crystal clear and once the purchase has been completed, redirect your customers to a confirmation page so they know everything went smoothly.
To capture more customers, you will need to cater to mobile devices. Your website design has to be optimized for phones and tablets. If it isn’t responsive, you will not able to convince mobile users to purchase from your website.
There is no denying the fact that designing an ecommerce website is not an easy task – but the aforementioned ecommerce design tips will give you everything you need to make sure your website looks great and help converts at the same time.
Read moreThe digital world requires businesses and companies to create a brand identity to reach their true potential. If you own a lackluster brand, you will need to up your game to ensure you stay ahead of the curve. With a powerful brand identity, you will make it possible for your target audience to relate and understand what your brand really has to offer. If you want a powerful brand identity design, then you are in luck, as you will find everything you need right here.
Every brand typically serves a purpose, what is yours? With a brand purpose you will be able to position yourself more effectively. If done correctly, it will make your service or product more desirable. In this day and age, consumers focus on brands that have a purpose beyond keeping shareholders or investors happy or doing business.
It is the duty of the CEO, founder and brand owners to establish a purpose and also make sure it reflects through the organization. This will not only motivate employees, but it will motivate potential customers as well. When people are motivated, they will surely help you in building a powerful brand identity.
If you are having a hard time with the communication of your brand purpose, try to identify how your product or service is making lives easier, changing lives, being a resource or solving challenges. In the end, this is why people will choose to do business with you, not only because you offer an outstanding product or service.Understanding this will bring you closer to creating a powerful brand identity.
If it was not obvious enough, you will need to differentiate yourself from the rest of the crowd. This will help your business in the long run. When creating a powerful brand identity, you will need to consider your business’ uniqueness.
When communicating with your target audience, you need to explain how you are different from your competitors. To do so, here are three factors that will do wonders for you:
This refers to the respect or honor shown towards your brand. This should be your first goal while creating a powerful brand identity.
Recall is the extent to which a product, service or brand name is recalled. With a powerful brand identity, you can make the process easier than ever before.
Once you have acquired recall and reverence, it will automatically lead to an increase in revenue.
What people see should reflect across the board for your brand. Popular brands like Nike and Apple manage to nail their visual identity with their brand message each and every time. You too can stand out by understanding a few things that contribute to your overall brand visual identity.
To build a visual identity that clearly reflects your brand message, you will need to consider the following questions:
When it comes to creating a powerful brand identity, it may look simple on paper. To gain power, you will need to be respected. Respect can only be established by what you are saying and how you are saying it. Believe it or not, what you write or speak becomes a part of your brand communication.
The content on your website, a conversational email or a headline that attracts social media attention – they all contribute towards a powerful brand identity. To effectively communicate your brand message, take the following questions into your consideration:
The way your services, products or offerings benefit your target audience is vital for your digital brand. What value are you actually delivering? To identity, communicate and enhance your brand value for maximum impact, consider these questions:
Creating a powerful brand identity does not have to be difficult or complicated. Pay close attention to your product or service to evaluate how it solves problems, makes lives easier or is a valuable resource. Then, consider your brand’s uniqueness to position it properly. Earn respect by being careful about what you say and the way you say it. Deliver real value so that your brand benefits a powerful brand identity.
Read moreIf you already curate blog for commercial purposes, it is likely that you already understand and appreciate the importance of business blogging. However, do you know you can optimize your blog posts in order to make them more search engine friendly? You can actually use blogs to personalize your brand identity and streamline your SEO strategies.
Research shows that organic search tends to drive an estimated 51% of traffic to B2C and B2B websites. As a result, the importance of SEO as well as enhancing your website’s organic presence is widely accepted. Keep in mind that blogging is one of the most effective tools in most digital marketers’ toolbox. This is exactly why marketers consider blogging and SEO to be synonymous to each other.
Blogging is great for SEO as it helps considerably with a number of aspects which are crucial ranking factors. If you have a blog that is updated frequently with posts that are relevant and high quality, it could make a considerable difference to how your site performs in various search engines.
Here’s how blogging helps with SEO.
Publishing blog posts regularly is a very natural and logical way to update your site frequently; it signals to various search engines that it is being taken care of and is a great place to send users. This is why a new blog post at least every couple of weeks would show those ‘bots that your website is active.
Note that Google’s priority is offering people who perform searches with relevant information, so they will come back to use Google again.
A person who comes to your site from a blog post which shows up in search result will have more persuasive reason to stick around longer and read the entire thing compared to someone who happens to land on a webpage with less text or information. A good SEO blog will entice your users to stay on your site for longer and improve your traffic ratios.
A lot of SEO is mainly about links and internal links are usually the easiest ones to get as you could create them on your own. Not including internal links on your site that conveniently point visitors from one webpage on the website to another is perhaps one of the simplest SEO mistakes one can make.
Although you may find some reasonable internal linking possibilities on your site’s main page, as soon as you begin publishing relevant blog posts, the opportunities would really blossom.
It goes without saying that keyword density is a vital aspect for better ranking. Stuffing your keywords will lead to over optimization while too less may lead to lower ranking. It is often better to maintain a ratio of 2 percent per post.
Do not stuff keywords in order to manipulate search engines. However, after you finish writing, you could analyze your entire post to determine suitable locations where you can insert these keywords without distracting readers.
For on page optimization keyword research is essential. It is likely that you’re naturally inserting keywords without simply realizing it by offering valuable and relevant content on a specific topic. That being said, there are a number of great tools and techniques to find related keywords that are relevant to your blog post which you might not have even considered.
The Google AdWords Keyword Tool as well as semrush.com are both incredible tools that enable you to find relevant keywords and even spy on your competitors to determine what phrases and words they’re targeting in order to draw traffic to their websites.
When you upload an image or photo to your blog, make sure you incorporate keywords into your file name while filling out the alternate text field using brief and keyword rich description of your photo. This will help optimize your blog for search engine purposes.
There is no denying that there are plenty of great benefits of sharing your blog posts on various social media platforms:
1.It helps keep your social media websites relevant and current.
2.It keeps your audience fully engaged.
3.As social signals are usually included in ranking algorithms, it helps improve SEO results.
4.Social links also help raise referral traffic.
We would recommend that you always share your blog post on different social channels as this will help enhance your social media branding by a huge margin. It is advisable to share a few sentences that describe a brief summary of your post or an excerpt from your post. Also, remember to include all keywords you’re targeting within your social media posting since these social signals could help with rankings.
You should include prominently place RSS and Feed Subscription Buttons while offering viewers the opportunity to subscribe to the posts through email when possible. This will allow all your blog followers to get instant notifications of your latest blog posts without periodically checking your website for new content.
Whenever you mention another blogger or an article in your post, make sure you include the link to the specific information that you’re referencing. Not only it is good blogging etiquette, but you are also likely to get lucky and get a link back. Remember that quality links are an extremely valuable commodity for any website that is looking to rank higher in various SERPs.
The aforementioned SEO tips have been designed to help every business improve their marketing strategies and effectively use blogging as a digital outreach channel. People love blogs, so why would you not capitalize on the vast benefits of commercial blogging.
Read moreAs the New Year has just started, marketers all over the globe are thinking about all the new design trends this past year have brought us. The year 2019 will be a challenging and fascinating one for brands all around the world. We are constantly tuned in and aware of the trends that dictate the trajectory of the market. Reflection of these trends is critical and preparing for the future is paramount in today’s digital era.
Many designers are taking their own roles in the events of 2018 and are using their own creativity to curate unique designs. The perceptions about the new design trends vary from individual to individual. However, one thing is for sure the new Ecommerce design will be quite creative, interactive and captivating.
Here are the top five trends that you should keep on radar for the year 2019:
Humans are hypothetically on a cusp of the single largest revolution in technology, you can also call this the next industrial revolution. It has been forecasted that designing as a practice is going to evolve quite swiftly. Artificial Intelligence designs will be the new face and role in the AI industry, just like movie directors have a vital role in making movies, without the director there will be no movie. These AI designers will head multi-disciplinary teams in the formation and design of webpages using AI.
With the increasing role of Artificial Intelligence in design, it’s clear that technology is evolving rapidly. AI and machine learning are not just transforming design industries but various other fields as well. As you embrace these advancements, consider enhancing your skills to keep up with industry trends. So why not take the opportunity to start learning machine learning now and stay ahead of the curve? Machine learning knowledge empowers you to ride this incredible wave of innovation, preparing you for a successful future in the digital landscape.
It is worth noting that we are rapidly advancing in perfecting deep learning algorithms and machine learning properties. We are reaching a level of perfection in a number of different aspects which AI can marvelously do for us and at the same time, we are compiling a pile of extremely narrowly focused functions, all of them disjointed as a whole.
It is more or less like building an artificial person but we are starting from all parts of the brain at once. Artificial Intelligence designs stand out to become the most exciting practice in the history of commercial entities. The emerging face of this segment has taken the world by storm.
Use of bright colors for everything from backgrounds to images to user interface elements has been one of the most prevalent graphic design trends of 2018 and these strategies are expected to be an integral component in the new web design trends of 2019.
(Source: www.venngage.com)
If you have noticed that the world of design feels a little more colorful lately. You would be spot on. Splashes of electric yellows, bright corals and vivid blues are replacing the reserved colors of the previous years. It has been observed that more brands and designers are adding vivid colors to their palettes for 2019 in order to immediately entice potential or current clients.
Last year was a catalyst in terms of branding, advertising and packaging as businesses prioritized simplification in each of their strategies. Hence, it should not come as a surprise that businesses have adopted this approach for designs and illustrations as well. Due to the incredible popularity of simplification and reduction, this trend will continue to prevail in the following year.
Another trend to look out for in 2019 is the mega use of bold fonts and type-faces. Many companies have personified the use of these focal points. Take Adidas as a prime example of how effective this new webpage design trend really is and how they have used it across all of their marketing channels.
As you can see from the above image, the bold font makes it quite easy to read the text on social media feeds and on mobile devices. It facilitates in instantly projecting strength, innovation and individuality. It is important to understand that these bold fonts are often the supporting partners to other design elements which will contribute to your conversion rates. The synchronization among the different processes involved is of paramount importance. Consider using these bold fonts with other trends to get the most out of your marketing efforts.
While colorful, geometric, 2D vector still dominate the web design landscape. There has been somewhat of a counter-trend, in the form of illustration which is organic and handmade, even if these creations are digital.
(Source: www.creativebloq.com)
One look at the image above will leave you curious and quite intrigued, which proves how effective this new web page design really is. These new design trends have a huge potential of being an effective tool in the coming year as numerous brands are working on handmade and organic design which can serve the purpose for the broadcasting of the brand and its message.
Gradients are one of the most effective elements in any Ecommerce design. These gradients give the designing dynamics more depth and intensity. Plus, like some of the other rising graphic design trends, they look amazing on mobile devices. These gradients will not only attract your user’s attention to important information but it will also help continuity throughout landing pages.
(Source: www.venngage.com)
With the presence of vivid colors and futuristic patterns, these elements feel right at home with some of the other graphic design trends in 2019.
The current e-commerce website design standard is quite effective in guiding visitors through the purchase cycle. The competition globally has become quite fierce and the margin of error is constantly shrinking. One simple mistake could thwart every marketing effort your business implements.
Web designers are working hard to come up with fascinating designs which can effectively convey a brands message. All of these new design trends have completely changed how businesses engage with their clients and how they entice new users to invest in the business. So if you are currently contemplating a new web page design, consider the aforementioned trends to get the most out of your website.
Read moreKeeping up with the most innovative and latest digital marketing trends usually feels like a chore for many brands and marketers. It is even more stressful during the holiday season with everything else you have to do. Whether you are a small business owner or a big company, it is always good to know all the latest digital trends that will shape important marketing strategies not only this holiday season, but also in the future.
The constantly evolving search, social, and digital shopping landscape continues to offer more opportunities in connecting with customers, most advertisers often find themselves stretching final budgets across several different marketing channels. These digital media trends are defining the holiday season as business can now engage with clients on a whole different level. Here is a list of the new trends in digital marketing in order to provide you with detailed insight, to give you that much needed edge over competitors.
Many holiday shoppers, especially luxury shoppers, are increasingly using their smartphone as the preferred shopping gateway. It is worth mentioning that when shopping online, most consumers tend to seek convenience, cost-effective delivery as well as a quick and a hassle free purchase process.
Consumers also expect a personalized, superior and frictionless Omni channel experience which will simultaneously encourage online sales and facilitate boutique visits. This is why mobile commerce is continuing to grow rapidly and for the first time in 2018 holiday season, smartphones and other mobile devices are anticipated to make up the majority of shopping traffic as well as orders. Here are 10 creative marketing ideas for the holiday season.
A recently published report by Salesforce has predicted that more orders will be placed through mobile phones than desktop (46 percent vs. 44 percent). In addition, 68% of the total traffic for the 2018 holiday season is expected to come from smartphones, up to 19% points from 2017.
Although most marketers do not usually agree on a lot of industry issues, there is certainly one aspect they are almost unanimous about: personalization really matters. This is why the more you can customize content offerings to every person’s specific preferences and tastes, the more likely can increase revenue and forge long-lasting and mutually beneficial relationships with your buyers. Hence, if you have not already done so, investigate various ways to make AI or artificial intelligence, shoulder most of the load for you in this regard.
You should try to maximize consumer enjoyment while reducing the time they require to spend looking for items. If you know your customers or customer groups well enough, you will be able to give them suitable personalized product recommendations and that will give your seasonal sales a huge boost.
It is not surprising to note that most brands are raising their holiday marketing budgets in 2018, many are opting to spend more on YouTube and Instagram than in previous years. A research study indicated that 65% planned to boost Instagram expenditure. With that being said, it was YouTube, not surprisingly, that saw the greatest jump in advertiser participation, as nearly 33% of brands are planning to run adverts on the platform in 2018 compared to about 26% in 2017. As per experts, ads that concentrate on visual elements increasingly tend to have more impact and influence.
There is no denying that deals and discounts are a major plank of many retailers’ sales drive, especially during the holiday season, but the main challenge is to generate awareness. One great way to get noticed by buyers is by leveraging Facebook Offers.
Followers who will save your offer would receive auto reminders that they can use the deal before it expires. Also, customers could redeem their offers online, or in your physical store. You should use eye-catching and top-quality images of your featured products to help your offer stand out from various other posts. Also, remember to run the promotion long enough for buyers to notice it and react to it, which might take a couple of days or more.
For a brand looking to run holiday-targeted campaigns, Amazon is slowly becoming a very important player. More than 80% of brands that plan to market and advertise on Amazon in 2018 holiday season would run Christmas-specific product campaigns, compared to about 74% of overall brands. Running holiday-specific adverts on Amazon, according to experts, where customers are more likely to shop for gifts, is a great way for most advertisers to better showcase their products.
Although there are many factors that are involved in ranking, note that the number of reviews that you have is often an important factor. It is worth mentioning that organic traffic from SEO is still one of the most effective sources of web traffic for a lot of businesses, as search engines like Google, will consider your Google reviews, Facebook reviews, Yelp reviews and more. Keep in mind that your reviews are essential for better search engine rankings; also, they can make or break a sale. This is why you must create an excellent plan to get reviews for your business. However, be careful and do not try to incentivize or bribe people (since this isn’t allowed), but rather have a system to ask for reviews.
Make time in order to check out these digital media trends. These strategies will surely help your business enjoy a productive holiday season. Although digital marketing is vital year-round, focusing on marketing trends for 2018 during the holiday season is one of the surefire ways to take your revenue to the next level.
Read moreThe digital scope of the world is changing with time and the industries world-wide are moving their business to the digital landscape. Moving the marketing campaigns online implies that you should have great landing pages to provide value to your consumers.
A landing page is an essential part of the conversion funnel and helps drive the traffic towards the next steps of the conversion funnel. A purpose-built landing page is necessary to entice the visitors who are visiting your website. In this article, we will talk about 5 tips for designing a landing page that converts. By convert, we mean a landing page that helps you achieve your objectives, whether it is sales or getting a visitor sign up on your email.
The content on your landing page should be curated in a way that it provides value to the visitors as well as portrays your unique value proposition in the best possible way. The content that you curate on your landing page depends on the type of product or service that you are promoting.
An average user spends about 8 seconds on a page so bear in mind that you have just 8 seconds to make a lasting impression on your visitor so the content has to be curated in a highly effective way.
The heading of your content is the first thing that the customers see on your landing page. The heading should include what the visitors expect to get out of the landing page. This should be followed up by a sub-heading that further explains the value offered in the heading. The sub-heading should always compliment the heading in a way that it adds to the value offered by the heading on your landing page.
The sub-heading should be followed up by an effective call to action! One of our favorite landing pages is by Netflix which follows the tips that we have provided above. The call to action is unique and offers incentive to the visitor to sign up.
Visual content, including pictures, and videos, is an essential element of any landing page. Our brain is designed to process images 60,000 times faster than text. It is a no-brainer to include visuals in your landing page design as the visitors will be influenced by the visual content that you have displayed on your landing page.
When you’re placing visual content on your landing page, make sure that the quality of the content should be exceptional. It should be relevant to your product or service. If you are selling a physical product, make sure that you include pictures/videos of the product itself. If you’re selling a service, putting up an explainer video about the service is a great way to grab your audience’s attention.
A great implementation of the above mentioned tips is executed by Home Chef. The landing page design is sleek and it includes the right content to grab the visitor attention. It also includes a video that explains what the business is about. This is an amazing way to gain your audience’s attention and retain them on your website. Many people would form the image of your brand through your landing page and it seems only right to create the landing page in the best way possible by following the tips that we are providing.
We’re not done yet! Keep scrolling, there are more tips to come.
A good landing page has to be designed in an appealing way. Remember when we said that you have just 8 seconds to grab your customer’s attention? The first thing they would notice about your landing page is the design.
The landing pages are going to create an impression of your brand or business and you’d want it to represent your business in the best possible way. Avoid distracting your visitors by adding redundant visual elements. Include plenty of white space that keeps your visitor’s attention focused on your product/service and the call to action.
Creating a good design is essential but you have to keep a track of whether or not the design increases your site load time.
Another thing that you should consider while designing your landing page is the eye movement of the user. The visitor’s eye should move in such a manner that is leads to achieving your desired results from the landing page.
Blue Apron does it perfectly. There is plenty of white space, the design is clutter free and the content including the CTA is clear and attractive.
Although this is not practiced very commonly and is a little unorthodox but your landing page should have minimum options for the visitor to navigate away from it. Placing a top menu or a navigation bar makes sense but it gives the opportunity to the visitors to move away from the your landing page.
The presence of the usual navigation also creates a visual distraction for the visitor and this is certainly not what you want for them. The Farmer’s Dog does it the best and provides a great conversion centric landing page design.
Notice how the removal of the usual boring navigation makes the landing page much more attractive.
When you’re creating a landing page, the foremost thing on your mind is that your call to action button should really pop out! Whether you’re encouraging the visitors to sign up to your email list or trying to get them to visit your shop, the call to action button should be designed and placed in a way that the visitors can easily access it and take action on it. This is the primary reason why the call to action buttons should be in contrasting colors.
Take a look at the following landing page as an example. The page is designed in grey and white hues but the call to action button is in a bright pink. This immediately brings your attention to the call to action button and increases the chances of the user taking the desired action. The time is short when we talk about grabbing the user’s attention and this is one of the best ways to do it.
We hope that you’ve enjoyed reading our tips for designing a landing page that converts and these tips would surely help you out in creating the landing pages for your business.
Do let us know your thoughts in the comments.
Read moreThere are almost EIGHT billion people in the world. More than FIVE billion of them are on social media, as per Smart Insights. Now, I am not saying all five billion of them are your consumers – unless you’re selling air, then they all need that – it is safe to estimate that millions or at least some hundred thousand of them are within your reach only if you could come up with a social media branding strategy.
Here, we must take a pause and focus on the word ‘strategy’.
For all the vast reaches of social media and all the postings, you could do literally with two clicks, you still need a solid plan to hold your neck above the swamp of competition on these platforms. If you don’t do that, you’ll drown.
You won’t venture into an unknown territory without Google Maps, right?
There are several social media branding examples to show how campaigns fail when they either choose the wrong platform or focus on the incorrect audience demographic, etc. All this is because they lack a well-thought-out plan to achieve their goals.
Why do you need to have a social media strategy in place before launching any campaign? Basically, for three main reasons:
The unimaginable reaches of social media often lure people into setting unrealistic goals. For them, anything they post has to go viral. But does it happen? No! A social media strategy helps you set realistic goals based on brand awareness, target audience, and other metrics. An outline with specific objectives ensures the focus and direction of the campaign.
With a strategy, you can plan a content calendar that lines up with your business goals and target audience. This will save you from posting on Wednesday afternoons when most of your audience is busy with their work or not posting on Sundays when they are on a scrolling spree throughout the day.
An effective strategy establishes key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to measure success, like reach, engagement, follower growth, and conversion rate. This allows you to see what’s working and what’s not and helps refine your approach by making informed decisions.
Social media marketing and branding are closely related, but they focus on different aspects of your online presence.
You can think of social media branding as the foundation or overall identity you build on online platforms. It’s about who you are as a brand and involves defining your brand voice, personality, visual style, and storytelling. It’s the consistent look and feel that makes people recognize you across platforms. For example, the red of Adobe on their social media channels is their branding, helping their customers identify the brand with that color.
Social media marketing emphasises promoting products, services, or specific campaigns to achieve measurable business goals. It’s all about driving traffic, conversions, and revenue. It includes content creation, paid advertising, lead generation, tracking analytics, and metrics. Adobe running an ad campaign to promote a discount on Acrobat Pro subscription is social media marketing.
In short, social media marketing is tactical and for immediate results, while social media branding is strategic, focusing on long-term brand perception and loyalty. Now that we have established what is social media branding let’s see how you could come up with a solid plan to assert your brand on social media.
When it comes to creating a brand and making it successful, it takes a lot more than just a good logo and a sleek designed website. Let me quote the famous author and salesman Zig Zigler here.
“If people like you, they’ll listen to you, but if they trust you, they’ll do business with you.”
How do you build this trust? Through branding.
It is a strategy to etch your brand into people’s minds by crafting a unique image that reflects your values, mission, and what makes you different. Branding encompasses things like your logo, colors, fonts, brand voice, and overall messaging.
Let’s get started with a plan.
In 2024, the first thing you need to decide for a branding plan is what social media platforms you want to be present at. According to Semrush, there are 28 top social media platforms, if you try to be on all of them, your entire marketing budget will vanish before you can even spell branding. If you’re not on the right platform where your possible audience is, well then what is the purpose of all this?
So, identify which social media platforms are most relevant to your target audience. These could be the established ones like Facebook, Instagram, X, LinkedIn, and TikTok, as well as emerging platforms like Threads and Clubhouse.
Data from GWI (formerly GlobalWebIndex), an audience research company, reveals that a typical user browses or visits an average of 6.7 different social media platforms each month.
Here’s your checklist to nail down the platforms:
The most important of all social media branding tips is to know who you’re trying to woo. Imagine using technical jargon to explain a recipe to a child or explaining the functions of an inverter to an old man using Gen Z slang. It wouldn’t work, right? Audience analysis helps you understand the language your ideal customer speaks (literally and figuratively). You can then craft messages that are clear, relevant, and resonate with them on a deeper level.
Here’s what you should find out in your analysis:
Start by collecting basic demographic information about your audience, such as age, gender, location, income level, education level, and occupation. This provides a foundational understanding of who your audience is.
Dive deeper into your audience’s psychographics, which include their interests, values, attitudes, lifestyles, and personality traits. This helps you understand their motivations, preferences, and purchasing behavior.
Analyze your audience’s online behavior, including their browsing habits, social media usage patterns, content consumption preferences, and purchasing history. This data can be collected from website analytics, social media insights, and third-party research tools.
Collect feedback from your audience via surveys, polls, focus groups, and social media listening. Ask questions about their needs, challenges, preferences, and perceptions of your brand to gain valuable insights.
Look at your competitors’ audience demographics, engagement metrics, and content strategies to identify overlaps and differences with your audience. This can help you enhance your targeting and positioning strategies.
Audience analysis is an ongoing process. Keep monitoring changes in your audience’s demographics, preferences, and behaviors over time, and adjust your strategies accordingly. Stay agile and be willing to iterate based on new insights and market trends.
Having predefined goals ensures all your social media activities work towards achieving specific objectives. It saves from random posting. These goals are easy to track and help you allocate resources (time, budget) efficiently to the tactics that matter most.
Now, how do you actually set these goals? Here are some key factors to consider:
Make sure the goals of your business are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Don’t just say, “increase brand awareness.” Define what “awareness” means to you (website traffic, follower growth) and set a measurable target within a specific timeframe.
Your social media goals shouldn’t exist in a vacuum. Connect them to your broader business objectives (increased sales, lead generation, brand reputation).
Not all platforms are created equal. Tailor your goals to the strengths of each platform. For example, building brand awareness might be a primary goal on Instagram, while lead generation might be more important on LinkedIn.
Devise a content strategy that focuses on providing value to your audience while also showcasing your brand personality. Branding templates for social media platforms differ, based on what type of content works there and what is the user demographic.
Here’s what a comprehensive content strategy might entail:
Content mix
Diversify your content mix to cater to different formats and preferences. This could include a combination of text, images, videos, GIFs, polls, quizzes, live streams, stories, and interactive elements like AR filters or stickers.
Embrace the popularity of short-form video content, which continues to dominate social media platforms. Create engaging and entertaining videos optimized for platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, or YouTube Shorts. Experiment with trends, challenges, and storytelling techniques to capture attention quickly.
Leverage emerging technologies like AR and VR to create immersive brand experiences. Develop AR filters, lenses, or gamified experiences that encourage user interaction and engagement. VR experiences can transport users to virtual environments for product demonstrations, virtual events, or storytelling. Explore the potential of AI-powered content creation tools. Use them to personalize content, generate ideas, or analyze audience data.
Encourage your audience to craft and share content related to your brand. UGC not only provides authentic social proof but also fosters a sense of community and belonging. Weave UGC with storytelling to humanize your brand and link with your audience on a deeper level. Share compelling narratives, behind-the-scenes glimpses, customer testimonials, and success stories.
While doing all this, maintain a cohesive visual identity across all platforms, including consistent colors, fonts, imagery, and branding features. This helps to strengthen brand recognition and recall.
Monitor KPIs to track the success of your social media branding efforts. Analyze metrics such as engagement rate, reach, impressions, click-through rate, and conversion rate and constantly use this data to improve your strategy and make informed decisions moving forward. Here are some well-defined KPIs to consider as you go along:
This determines the level of interaction your content receives, including likes, comments, shares, and clicks. A high engagement rate shows that your audience is keenly engaging with your content, which can lead to improved brand awareness and loyalty.
Conversion rate calculates the fraction of users who take a desired action, such as making a purchase decision, signing up for a newsletter, or downloading a resource after interacting with your social media content. Tracking conversion rate helps you assess the efficiency of your social media marketing in driving tangible business results.
Observing brand mentions and sentiment on social media platforms helps you gauge the overall perception of your brand among your audience. Positive sentiment and an increase in brand mentions indicate a strong brand presence and favorable reputation.
Share of voice compares your brand’s presence on social media relative to your competitors. By analyzing the volume and sentiment of conversations related to your brand versus competitors, you can identify opportunities to strengthen your brand positioning and competitive advantage.
Social media branding is nothing but a meticulous plan to keep your brand relevant in a positive spotlight. It might feel like madness, but it is the one with a lot of methods attached to it. The success or failure of your branding efforts could be determined even before the campaign’s launch because going into it without a plan is a certain doom. So, brainstorm before you start, ensuring you don’t end up with nothing.
We hope this blog will have offered you all the social media branding solutions you were looking for. Share with us how you started your branding journey and how you successfully achieved all your goals.
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According to a recent survey, 64% of the consumers said their purchase decisions were influenced by watching marketing videos on Facebook.
When you’re creating a video with the objective of building your brand identity, you want to be able to make sure that you’re representing the core brand values in the best way possible in that video.
The brand video has to resonate with your target audience so rushing it is NOT an option. We’ve compiled a list of tips and tricks for you all to create a brand video that is surely going to appeal to your targeted audience.
The best brand videos always come up with an objective. You have to be very clear about what you want to achieve out of the video. Successful videos are well-thought out; they are a representation of the brand and should have the capability to connect with the target audience of the brand.
Ask yourself a few questions before you set out to produce the video:
Are you looking to spread awareness about the brand or business? Sharing a factual or informational video about the industry would be a great way to go about it. When you completely understand what you are trying to accomplish and who would be watching your house fitness video, you can customize it to fit the marketing platforms.
Once you have determined the reason why you are creating the video, search for relevant stock footage from sites like Videvo, which provides free footage for commercial use.
The next thing that you have to do is to understand and think about your audience. The content that you are producing is for them. Understanding the people that you are trying to reach to would help you in creating the content that they would be interested in.
The easiest way to do it is to sit down and put yourself in your target customer’s shoe.
Ask yourself the questions that your customer would ask!
If you’re reaching out to new customer base, you’d like to start off with explainer videos that focus on the basics. If you are reaching out to your existing customers, adding value to your video content beyond what the customers already know is the right way to go about it.
Keep the following demographics in mind when you are trying to understand the audience:
• Age
• Location
• Gender
• Language
• Interests & hobbies
• Existing customers or potential customers
• Customer platforms
Video scripts are one of the most amazing tools to keep you on track while you are creating video content. But relying too heavily on them can make your content robotic in nature and hurt the authenticity of your brand.
Innovate and be as creative as possible. Gather all the data you have on your brand or business including pictures and videos. The continuity in the brand image is essential. Use your script for key points but do not rely too heavily on them.
When we say that you should speak in your brand’s voice we do not mean it in literal terms. Your videos are an extension of your brand image and they should revolve around the tone set by your brand.
A good approach would be to take copy off your website and use it in your video. Incorporate customer testimonials using the brand language to add more authenticity to your brand video.
When it comes to incorporating text in the videos, there are no hard rules about it. You can approach the text in your video in any way that you deem suitable. Just double check the typos before the video goes live.
People want to hear from the sources they can relate to. A brand video revolving around an average Joe would appeal much more to the general audience than a brand video that revolves around the brand and its products.
Your customers would want to see someone like them speaking about the product or service and its benefits. The digital world is full of ratings and reviews but what the people still trust the most are the elements that they can relate too.
Adding a human element to your brand video is a great way of gaining customer trust and adding credibility. Everything in the video does not have to revolve around your product or service. The content can be unscripted but should revolve around the narrative.
Including behind the scene footages is another great way to gain customer trust and engagement.
Consistency and quality can never be compromised when it comes to creating a brand video. Best brand videos across the globe have these two common elements amongst them.
Without quality, you would lose the engagement that has to be generated among your customers and without being consistent, you would lose the chance to create a long term relationship with your clients.
Earlier we mentioned the inclusion of text in this article. Text is a great way of portraying consistency across the brand not only in terms of the language being used but also the colors and typography that your brand has chosen.
It would create an aura of multi-channel consistency and the brand would be able to flourish accordingly. Including your logo in the videos is also essential.
You’ve understood the fact that your videos have to be authentic and engaging but it does not mean that you shouldn’t have a clear strategy in place. Every member of your team should be engaged in the creation of the video and it should be on the top of their heads.
The platforms that the video needs to be sent out to, the message and the goals should be set in a strategic way. If you have to create a series of videos, the content strategy should be in place; the frequency of how often the videos would come out should be set and you should have an estimate of how long would it take for you to reach your desired goals.
As long as the message being sent out in the video is clear, you’re all set to produce a great brand video for your business. These tips will help you create a perfect brand video for your brand and would envision everything that your brand represents!
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